30 years of the Land Rover Discovery

It’s now 30 years since the first Land Rover Discovery rolled off the assembly line and a group of enthusiasts is determined that the first few hundred examples of this pioneering SUV aren’t forgotten. With number one stored at the British Motor Museum at Gaydon, members of the Project Jay Preservation Group (project Jay was the code name used for the Disco’s development programme) are keen to locate as many of the early G registered Discoverys that were used at the press and dealer launch in Plymouth in 1989.


There were 86 Discoverys, all with consecutive registration numbers from G451WAC to G537WAC used at the launch – enthusiasts now call these vehicles ‘Gee-Wacks’. So far 23 launch vehicles have been found that are still alive; together with several factory registered G-WACs used on the factory demonstration fleet and as test cars.

30 Years Of The Land Rover Discovery

30 Years Of The Land Rover Discovery

The group was formed in 2007 when a handful of owners of these early vehicles met at Gaydon and decided to embark on their mission and in January 2019 the Project Jay Preservation Group (PJPG) became a formal club chaired by Roy Preston.

PJPG members also own two preproduction five-door models that were under test in 1989/90. G226 EAC is in very good order and is exhibited at Land Rover shows and G513 DHP has been sympathetically repaired. For more information about the factory registered demonstration cars and the chance to join the group with your Project Jay Discovery, please contact the membership Secretary Graham Bethell at graham@ southstaffscoachhire.com or for more information about the Project Jay Preservation Group, visit www.pjpg.co.uk

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