Holla Holla get Dolla

As fast as it came, the Trueno is gone! The old girl was my first foray into the world of Toyota 1600cc four-bangers. It was a good time, albeit only a short time, and it showed me first-hand exactly why people love these things so damn much. But deep down I knew where my allegiances lie, and the want for another SR-powered daily-driver hankered me something rotten. That meant moving the AE92 on to a new home, which thankfully, came by way of a super enthusiastic fella in Welly, who took over custody and is busy giving it the love it deserves.

It’s always nice to know a car’s fate after leaving your ownership, regardless of how much or little you put into it, especially when it’s one that you’ve formed an attachment to. The nature of life is that there will always be things that take priority over cars, or the desire to try something new is too great, but to see a formerly owned car pop back up in a sad state is truly heartbreaking. Choosing the right buyer has factored in to a couple of my own sales, although there is never a guarantee they will do the same when selling on when the time comes, so we never really know what is going to happen when those keys are handed over and the cash is in your hand.

However, I’ve recently seen that buying and selling too many examples within a given year can land you in hot water when it comes to the tax man. I haven’t personally experienced this, as I’m still under the limit (six vehicles within a one-year period), but I know people who exceed it for the simple fact that they quickly get bored of cars and flick them off for the next. The law dictates that if you’re exceeding the limit then you must be a registered motor-vehicle trader and abide by the consumer laws and pay the taxes that come with that. But my question is, what if you simply like to experience a range of cars within a short span of time? I certainly have a long list of must-owns that would require me to flick the current car to buy the next, though I have no intention of making it a career.

And, unless you’re making a loss on all those cars, the courts can argue that profit is your primary objective, even when it’s not. Hell, I don’t want to be losing out or only just breaking even on every car I sell. How does one factor in personal labour and maintenance costs; what does it mean to break even, then?

I understand the need to target backyard dealers who are buying and slanging copious vehicles without following the consumer laws set in place to protect buyers; however, those people already get around the current laws, essentially punishing the genuine more than the disingenuous. Perhaps it’s time we looked at changing how we enforce personal vehicle ownership. I’d sure as hell support the raising of limits for those who aren’t in it purely for the coin. I would no doubt fill my driveway with more cars than I really need just to tick off that must-own list.

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