Winter is Coming: 6 Care Tips for Your Subaru Car

With winter around the corner, you probably started preparing yourself for the cold season. You switched from sneakers to boots, replaced your leather jacket with a furry coat and began adding hearty soups and stews to your diet. But, how about your car? Is it ready for winter too?

Here are the steps you should follow to keep your Subaru in pristine condition, even when the frost bites the most.

Winter is Coming: 6 Care Tips for Your Subaru Car

Winter is Coming: 6 Care Tips for Your Subaru Car

Change Your Car’s Oil and Filters

Everything in your engine will function differently during the cold winter temperatures. The oil, which should easily lubricate your engine, will become more viscous, so make sure to switch to one that is specially formulated for winter use. You should also check the hoses during a technical inspection to make sure there aren’t any leaks or weak points.

While you’re at it, check the state of your filters and replace them too. It is ideal to start the winter with fresh oil and filters, especially if you will use your car intensely.  

Take It for a Technical Inspection and Fix Any Problems

Schedule your car for an extensive technical inspection to ensure there are no potential accidents due to improper maintenance. If your Subaru can handle minor malfunctions during summer, winter temperatures can take a toll on your ride. The road conditions are quite difficult, and minor breakdowns can lead to serious accidents.

Have all the essential parts checked, from breaks to engine and gears. Your Subaru needs to be in top shape for the winter.

Switch to Winter Tires but Check Them First

One of the most critical steps in preparing your Subaru for the winter is fitting it with winter tires. Check your winter tires, measure the depth and replace them if they are worn. Choose winter tires that are compatible with your Subaru and make sure they can keep your car on the road in case of snow, mud, ice, or rain.

Always make sure that your tires are inflated adequately during winter. Cold temperatures can affect the pressure levels inside your car tires, so make sure you adapt the air level to winter time.

Check the Car’s Battery

This step is especially important, as cold temperatures can affect the battery performance. Check the functionality of your car’s battery before winter arrives. Battery fluid should be at a safe level, so you need to add to it in case its running low. You can do it by following the instructions in your car’s manual.

Replacing the battery fluid will not be enough if your battery is older than 4-5 years or if it is already showing signs of weakness. Replacing it might be necessary to avoid potentially dangerous situations that involve battery failure.

Prepare Your Emergency Winter Kit

This step may vary, depending on the region you live and work in. If you are traveling long distances in extreme conditions, your emergency kit becomes a survival kit. If you are a long-distance commuter and you have to face the road often, then you need to be prepared for the worst case scenario. Having an emergency survival kit and checking it regularly (replacing what needs to be replaced) can make the difference between life and death.

Put Winter Wipers on

You might not think of this as being necessary when the seasons change, but replacing your wiper blades will make a world of difference in the driving conditions. Don’t forget to replace them from time to time and get specialized blades for harsh conditions. Reduced visibility can be potentially deadly when blizzard, snow, and ice hit your car.

Look at how thoroughly the blades clean rain or snow to decide when it’s time to change them. But, as you don’t necessarily see them in action often enough, ensure to replace them twice a year just to be on the safe side. Make sure they are well fitted and compatible with your car.

This list isn’t by any means final. The best idea would be to take your car to a specialized Subaru shop and have it check inside and out and ready for winter.

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