Carb Cleaning Kings!

Our friends at Vapourworx have just updated their website (www vapourworx) Ben Day is the man who can when it comes to carburettor cleaning and overhaul. Having stripped weapons and radios down for the military for years he reckons stripping down carbs on classic motorcycles was a ‘natural progression!’ He says: “I like to consider myself a bit of a ‘one-stop-shop’ for carb cleaning and restoration.



Someone asked me to vapour blast the carb bodies and ultrasonically clean them: then only the tin-wear looked bad so I learned to electroplate parts too and that’s almost five years ago now. I like to do it all in house if I can. It doesn’t work out cheaper that way for people (quality costs, don’t forget) but I have the control over the various finishes. “Industrial platers may lose things or custom threads may get lost. It’s about knowing the parts. I know carbs now and with a good going over there’s no reason why restored carbs couldn’t last another 40 years or more as they have been given a fresh start in life.”

Ben starts with complete disassembly and freeing everything up: every single nut, bolt and e-clip comes out. He finds that most of the screws are useless and are replaced by stainless, then the parts are ultrasonically cleaned. This means all the passageways are clear for vapour-blasting.

After all the various processes and platings (including a quick acid bath, if required) genuine new parts and O-rings are used from Allens Performance.

Vapourworx are based in Newhall, Swadlincote, Derby. 01283 225 233 or

Cool, clean carbs…

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