Post-Brexit EU driving minefield

Planning a European road trip? Avoid the insurance trapdoor…

At the time of going to press, this Brexit spaghetti is no closer to unravelling itself – and it probably won’t be by the time you read this either. But if you plan to drive your modern classic into Europe in the near future, you’ll need to be a lot more decisive than our politicians to administer your own Brexit, however temporary it may be.

First is the issue of insurance. Most UK insurers have agreed to continue providing 90-day European cover (double-check yours does), but regardless of whether there’s a deal or not, you’ll need a European Green Card to showproof of domestic cover oncewe leave. These are free fromyour insurer, but request one in plenty of time. ‘We’re encouraging our customers to apply for a Green Card as soon as they can,’ say Hagerty’s Marcus Atkinson. ‘Because of the lack of a clear directive from the government, it’s currently a very archaic process – we have one guy in the office filling Green Cards out by hand. Until there’s a clear long-term procedure in place, it’s likely this will continue for the foreseeable future.’


Another thing to be aware of is the burgeoning number of cities with ‘Low Emission Zones’, or LEZs. Regulations vary from country to country, but most only offer exemption to more recent, less-poluting cars, or classic cars at least 30 years old – leaving many modern classics in the danger zone. Be sure to check for a breakdown of region-specific rules.

The insurance issue and much more could change rapidly, so check for updates on the website in the leadup to your trip.

Insurance green cards are a new complication.You’ll need to carry a Green Card to stay legal.

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