Canadian Company Steps Up

Tekrider, a manufacturer of protective motorcycle gear based in Minden, Ont., has stepped up in the face of this ever-changing world we find ourselves in now.

Steve Brand, owner of Tekrider, realized how his company can help and quickly retooled to provide some much needed personal protective equipment (PPE) for Canadian front-line workers.

The company is well known for its Tekvest within the dirt bike and snowmobile communities. Now Tekrider is creating PPE such as gowns, face masks and booties. We were able to have a quick chat with Brand while he was on his way to pick up eight sewing machines to increase Tekrider’s manufacturing capacity. Currently, the company is able to produce up to 1,000 gowns and 2,500 to 10,000 face masks in a 40-hour workweek. These numbers are possible only with the help of the Minden community, as Tekrider is heavily reliant on local sewing groups and individuals health-service workers. The masks are not N95-compliant, but made of washable material that still offers protection and a sense of security. Tekrider funded this cumbersome task of retooling and shifting its production without any government support and increased its staff by 15 per cent because of the rising need for PPE. Although this idea began with the motive of helping health-service workers, Tekrider now sells its masks and gowns to anyone through its website.

Steve Brand, owner of Tekrider - logo

Tekrider – logo

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