Delivering the Goods


Just as I write this introductory piece, schools in the UK have been closed for an undefined period of time, a follow-on from the same activity occurring in countries all over the world. Clearly, parents of screaming kids bored out of their minds in the coming weeks (months?!) are going to have a lot on their plate, not least getting their little ones to calm down just long enough to allow mum and dad to find the only roll of toilet paper (white gold) left unsold within a fifty mile radius of home. Every supermarket shop floor looks like the worst scenes from Black Friday right now. Let’s hope things calm down and people become less terrified as this surreal period of social and economic disruption drags on.

You’ll be pleased to know production of GT Porsche is planned to continue without interruption during this troubling time. Those of you querying how you’re able to get hold of the magazine without leaving the house (or hitting a decidedly closed high street) need not fret — we’re offering heavily discounted subscription deals with the promise of delivering each issue direct to your door. Point your browser at to place an order, or visit to get hold of digital copies of the magazine. You can also find us on Amazon.

Stay safe. Catch you next month.

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