Dr Wolfgang Porsche joins Petersen Museum board

Honorary board member role for grandson of Ferdinand Porsche.

The Los Angeles-based Petersen Automotive Museum has revealed Dr Wolfgang Porsche has accepted an offer to become its first honorary board member. The museum, now entering what it says is its ‘25th anniversary as a world leader in automotive thought’, announced the grandson of Ferdinand Porsche had accepted a unanimous invitation to serve alongside Petersen’s founding chairman Bruce Meyer, chairman Peter Mullin, vice chairman David Sydorick and other industry dignitaries. Dr Porsche will continue in his roles as chairman of the Porsche Supervisory Board and of Porsche Automobil Holding SE, which he has held since 2007.

 Dr Wolfgang Porsche joins Petersen Museum board

Dr Wolfgang Porsche joins Petersen Museum board

“The relationship between the Petersen [Museum] and Dr Porsche began almost two years ago, when the Porsche Supervisory Board held a meeting at the museum,” says Petersen’s executive director Terry L Karges. “After a chance encounter with Bruce Meyer, together they envisioned the 70th anniversary Porsche tribute known as ‘The Porsche Effect’. The relationship has blossomed into a wonderful friendship resulting in the first ever honorary leadership role on our cherished board of directors.” Dr Porsche’s new objective on the Petersen board will be to offer advice and foster discussions about future plans for the museum.

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