Tag: 1951

Mick Walsh discovers the Kiwi-built, Standard-engined 1951 RA Vanguard special

Silver Dream Machine. The shoestring special inspired by the mighty Auto Unions, but powered by a stodgy saloon. Words Mick Walsh. Photography James Mann/The...

1951 Panhard Dyna X Cabriolet

Après-guerre, les Panhard étaient sans doute les voitures les plus modernes et les plus à l’aise sur route. Malgré leur modeste cylindrée, elles ont...

Meet the 1951 Lysell Rally Ford-engined, aero-inspired Scandinavian sports car

Unidentified Fjording Object. The Lysell Rally looks like a flying saucer, but it didn’t come from outer space: it was built in a Norwegian...

1951 Pontiac Sedan Delivery

Man with a Classic Van 1951 Pontiac Delivery. Brian Howlett’s 1951 Pontiac Sedan Delivery is a rare beast hailing from a brief period when...

Европейский Ford Consul

После окончания Второй мировой войны промышленность Старого Света лежала в руинах, и у американских автопроизводителей был реальный шанс занять лидирующие позиции на автомобильном рынке...
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