Tag: Porsche 901

The first Porsche 911

The first Porsche 911. The roots of Porsche’s most iconic sports car go back over three decades prior to that Frankfurt Show of 1963,...

1965 Porsche 912 Type 616 engined flat-four road test

A 912 is your last chance at owning a classic, preimpact bumper Porsche for sensible money. Can it fill the void left by its...

The Godfather meet Barbarossa, the oldest surviving Porsche 901 prototype in existence

The Godfather Barbarossa, the oldest surviving 901/911 prototype in the world. The Holy Grail – thatʼs the only way you can describe Porsche 901...

A concise history of the Porsche 911

Any Porschephile worth his salt could immediately differentiate a Porsche 911 of one generation from another despite its constant tear drop shape. For 52...

1973 Porsche 911 group test – the full S.E.T

1973 Porsche 911 group test - the full S.E.T. The E- and F-programme 2.4-litre 911s from 1972 and 1973 were graded into three specifications:...

Top 10 cars to restore in 2014

Top 10 cars to restore in 2014. A lack of perfect examples, rising values and new trends favouring previously overlooked models can make certain...

Опыт эксплуатации Porsche 911 1965 года выпуска

Познать нрав Порше 911 лучше всего вот так! Porsche 911 Христофор Маруфиди, 30 лет, Москва Первый олдтаймер: Porsche 911 Мечта: Porsche 356 Speedster! Лучшая...

Уникальный внедорожник Rayton Fissore Magnum

В 1984 году в Италии, на Туринском автосалоне, был представлен новый автомобиль, практичный и комфортабельный, предназначенный для активного отдыха и выездов на природу -...
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