Tag: WO Bentley

1934 Bentley Derby Drophead and Sports Saloon

Feature 1934 Bentley Derby Drophead and Sports Saloon. Walter Owen Bentley’s design philosophy was quite simple: “build a fast car, a good car, the...

1928 Bentley 4 ½ litre ‘Blower’

Landing the first blow. An exclusive drive in the original ‘Blower’ Bentley, the first produced by Henry ‘Tim’ Birkin... Words James Mitchell. Photography Drew...

In this month: 15 June 1912 – WO Bentley’s first competitive event in a motor car

WO Bentley is a name as instant a symbol of ‘British-ness’ as Burberry, Barbour and Aston Martin. There’s a historic and somewhat ironic link...

Tesla Motors открывает свободный доступ к своим технологиям

Патенты всем. Tesla Motors открывает свободный доступ к своим ноу-хау. Руководитель американской фирмы Tesla Motors Илон Маек, как всегда, обошелся без детального официоза, облачив программный...
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